Connecting to a KNM Zoom event
You can connect to a KNM event on Zoom very easily. Note, there is no need for you to create a Zoom account to join a KNM event - just follow these instructions.
Using a smartphone or tablet.
You will receive a link for each event from KNM. The link will look like this:
https://zoom.us/j/8079784899?pwd=SHY5TlFiZE5lTWlwTjZlR2ZJUXRkZz09. This link which has the letters pwd in it will avoid the need for you to enter a seprate password. If you use a link looking like https://zoom.us/j/8079784899 you will be prompted for a password when you join the meeting.
There may be one link for each meeting, or the same link will work for each meeting that is repeated, like Torah Chat, But the link will be in the email bulletins, on this website, and in the Calendar.
Click on the link
(If its the first time you have used Zoom, you will be prompted to download the Zoom App from the Apple App store or Google PLay. Download and open the App)
Click again on the link. Zoom will open and come up with various windows asking about access to the camera, the microphone, terms and conditions, all the normal stuff. Say yes and click to Join with Video, you will eventually join the meeting. There will be icons at the bottom of the screen allowing you to mute the microphone, turn off your video camera, and also an option to Leave the meeting.
Using a laptop / PC
You will receive a link for each event from KNM. The link will look like this:
https://zoom.us/j/8079784899?pwd=SHY5TlFiZE5lTWlwTjZlR2ZJUXRkZz09. This link which has the letters pwd in it will avoid the need for you to enter a seprate password. If you use a link looking like https://zoom.us/j/8079784899 you will be prompted for a password when you join the meeting.
There may be one link for each meeting, or the same link will work for each meeting that is repeated, like Torah Chat, But the link will be in the email bulletins, on this website, and in the Calendar.
Click on the link
Zoom will launch and you will have a few windows open which ask you to agree to terms and condition, ask you to proceed, etc. Eventually you will have a screen that says:
Please click Open Zoom Meetings if you see the system dialog.
If nothing prompts from browser , click here to launch the meeting, or download & run Zoom.
At this point it is best to click on download & run Zoom. A box with 'Zoom_o4218sofizk...exe or something similar will open in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. Double click in the box and you will be prompted to save this Zoom file on your computer's hard drive. Zoom will then open. There may be another window asking 'Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?'. Click Yes, then click 'I Agree' when asked about Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and the meeting should then open. Finally, click to Join with Video, and you will eventually join the meeting. There will be icons at the bottom of the screen allowing you to mute the microphone, turn off your video camera, and also an option at the bottom right to Leave the meeting.
The next time you want to join a Zoom meeting, again click on the link from the email or website, when the Zoom window opens click 'Open Zoom Meeting', click 'Open Zoom' if you get a message at the top of the screen, finally click to Join with Video, and you will join the meeting.
Participating in a Zoom meeting.
Maya Brooks has put this simple guide together which explains how to use the different features in Zoom to have a successful meeting.
Phoning in to a zoom meeting
It's possible to join a Zoom meeting from a normal phone or a simple mobile phone. Dial 0203 481 5237 and you will be prompted to enter your meeting ID followed by a hash (a #). The meeting ID will be in the email bulletins, on this website, and in the Calendar The meeting ID will be a nine digit number. When you enter this using your phone keys, it will be a number like 123456789#. You will then be asked for a password. Again, the password will be found n the email bulletins, on this website, and in the Calendar. You will then be connected to the meeting. Say yes to any other questions and finally click on.
Further support
Further assistance on joining meetings can be found on the Zoom website: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-Meeting