We hold regular services on Shabbat and chaggim (festivals), and occasional evening services on Erev Shabbat or Erev Chag. Our morning services typically begin at 9.45am.
Our in-person service have resumed - for details please go to this page.
For our normal venue, click here. Note that occasionally we hold services in another venue (e.g., when we have a bar or bat mitzvah and on some chaggim). Please contact us for more information.
Kol Nefesh services can be followed from any traditional Ashkenazi prayer book, and we leyen the whole sedra (Torah reading) each week. The main difference between our services and a standard Orthodox service is that both men and women may perform any of the functions within the service, without restriction.
The atmosphere at Kol Nefesh is relaxed and informal. There is no dress code and no reserved seats. Children are made very welcome, and often come in and out of the services. We also engage the children in periodic special programming.
Rabbi Joel Levy is with us one or two Shabbatot a month, and on certain chaggim. On other weeks, members of the community give a d'var Torah. Lay members also lead most of our services and do all the leyening (Torah reading). Chazan Jacky Chernett supports us with her resonant alto voice and vast knowledge of nusach (traditional melodies).
There is always a kiddush either at the end of the service or at one of our regular Torah breakfasts. We are privileged in that we can tap into a wide network of rabbis and academics who like to visit us and teach.
We are always pleased to welcome visitors for Shabbat and festivals. If possible, for security reasons, please let us know you're coming in advance (admin@kolnefesh.org.uk). Also, as noted, occasionally we hold services elsewhere than our usual venue. Please contact us for more information.
For details on forthcoming holiday services, please see the appropriate page under Coming Up.