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  • KolNefesh

Torah Chat

Updated: Oct 27, 2021

Torah Chat began many years ago as a study group for the weekly Torah portion. The group normally meets on Wednesday nights from 7.30–9pm home to read and discuss the text over tea and nosh.

In light of the new regime forced upon us by Covid-19, Torah Chat is making a fresh start! Join us for intense weekly Bible study, beginning right back at the beginning, with Bereishit (Genesis). We'll meet virtually, via Zoom, each Wednesday at the usual time. All you'll need is a Chumash (or the text from a site like Sefaria or Mechon Mamre online) and any commentaries you would like to bring to the table. Now we are on Zoom, we'll start at 7:30pm.

Anyone interested in a close reading of the text is welcome to join us. Good knowledge of Hebrew is helpful but not essential. We read and translate as we go along, using standard English translations and commentaries as a guide. And while we're on Zoom, you don't even have to be local... just free at 7.30pm UK time.

Contact for more information.

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