Kol Nefesh is a Masorti (Conservative) community located in Edgware, North West London. We were established in 2001 with a simple aim: to provide a platform where traditional Judaism could coexist with an open, inclusive attitude toward religious practice and learning. When we started, we were the only fully egalitarian Masorti community in the UK! Today, we remain committed to a passionate, involved and egalitarian Judaism.
What will you find behind our doors? We are a participatory, community-run congregation. Members lead most services, do nearly all the Torah reading, and often give the d’var Torah. Women take equal part in the service, and many women choose to wear a tallit and kippah. At the same time, we respect those who don't wish to take part, and there is no pressure for them to do so.
At KNM, the atmosphere is friendly, relaxed and informal. There is no dress code, and we are open to individuals at all levels of religious observance. Children are always welcome! Yet our relaxed atmosphere does not belie the fact that we are serious about Jewish learning and practice.
As a Masorti community, we stress the importance of halacha (Jewish law) in our community practice. We hold regular morning services on Shabbat and haggim (holidays), and some evening services. We leyen the full weekly Torah reading, and we employ traditional nusach (modes of prayer). Our services differ from standard Orthodox services mainly in that both men and women may perform any required role, on or off the bimah.
At Kol Nefesh, we chose to have a part-time rabbi who would lead, teach, and challenge us while giving our members scope to develop our own strengths. We are blessed to have the extraordinary Rabbi Joel Levy.
Rabbi Joel lives with his family in Jerusalem, where he heads the Conservative Yeshiva. He flies to Kol Nefesh roughly once a month, along with the full ten days of the Yamim Nora'im, when he packs in a whirlwind of study and activity for the whole community. Joel is passionate about Jewish learning, and he never fails to challenge, inspire, and provoke.
For more about Rabbi Joel, click here.

Chazan Jaclyn (Jacky) Chernett is one of KN’s greatest treasures. Jacky has imparted her love of Jewish music to our entire community. She knows when to introduce new melodies, and when to emphasize the beauty and internal structure of the age-old nusach. Thanks to Jacky, our services are musical and compelling. Jacky’s passion for teaching and learning, her gentle inspiration, and her beautiful voice have been vital to making Kol Nefesh who we are today.
For more about Chazan Jacky, click here.
Kol Nefesh Masorti Synagogue is committed to Masorti Judaism, to a love of Israel, to supporting our members through their personal and family life-cycle events, and to creating a welcoming community which encourages each of us in our spiritual and intellectual quests. We look forward to seeing you!