Lifelong education is essential to us as Masorti Jews. We are proud of our unique programme at Kol Nefesh.
The following list will give you an idea of the learning opportunities we have offered. For specific details about events and sessions coming up, see our calendar.
Study on a theme with Rabbi Joel Levy. We are currently studying Pirkei Avot on Tuesday evenings on Zoom. Click here for details.
Yamim Nora'im (High Holiday) Retreat. This is a ten-day intensive period of study over the Yamim Nora'im, with Rabbi Joel and others. We choose a theme and develop it over the course of the ten days. Most of these sessions take place in the evenings, and all are open to the broader community. For Kol Nefesh, this is one of the highlights of the year.
Tikkun Leyl Shavuot. Another highlight of the year. Rabbi Joel leads us in study through the night, and then we pray the morning service to the break of dawn and the beautiful sound of birdsong.
Torah Chat. Each Wednesday evening from 7.30–9pm, a group of members meet on Zoom for a close look at the biblical texts, a verse or two at a time. At present we're working our way through the book of Bereishit (Genesis). All are welcome to join us.
Chavrutah study - Mishnah Shabbat
The Mishnah initiative was a rolling chavrutah-based learning programme for people who want to get up close and personal with the earliest source of Judaism's oral tradition.
Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Joel. Friday morning shiurim studying Talmud over brunch at members' homes when Rabbi Joel was here.
Sunday shiur with Rabbi Joel. On Sunday mornings when Rabbi Joel was here, we generally met around 9am for Shaharit, followed by a shiur over breakfast.
City Shiur. The City is an unlikely place for a shiur! Nevertheless, it is where a mixed bunch of interested people came on Fridays when Rabbi Joel was here to eat bagels and give their brains a workout. This shiur is unique in being only predominantly Jewish. Regular participants include Muslims and Christians, along with other Masorti and non-Masorti members. The conversations often take unusual tacks and have an openness and fluidity that make the trek into central London worthwhile.
Limmud. We can't claim Limmud is a KNM invention, but we love Limmud, and each year twenty or more of us trek to a cold Midlands venue to be re-invigorated by this incredible event. Rabbi Joel comes on alternate years. Whether we come as teachers, students, or schmoozers, this is a very special week.