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Recordings of study sessions 
presented by KNM members and 
external teachers.

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Livnot, Lehibanot veLashir - to build, be built and to sing - a look at Israeli popular music through the decades - with Gabi Peretz.  The recording from April 23rd 2023 is here

The Green Team invited Avigail and Noah Morris to talk about The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, based at Kibbutz Ketura.  The recording from April 2nd is here.

Nahum Gordon interviewed author Andrew Levy about his book Song of Songs - Love in the Age of Tyranny

The recording from March 30th 2023 is here

“Should someone collapse in shul, would we know what to do? Who do we call? Where is the defibrillator?
We hope you enjoy this recording (Click here for the session) of an informal session led by Benji Rosen, a community member and junior doctor with over two years of A&E experience. The first half hour will be dedicated to basic life support, and the second to scenarios including faints, falls, fits, and choking at the Kiddush. The session is a perfect primer before any practical in-person session, whether you’re an experienced first-aider or beginner.”



One of the series of study sessions on 'Forgiveness' was recorded; 'Fraternal Forgiveness' Part 2, was on Sept 28th 2022 and presented by Nahum Gordon and Rabbi Joel.  Watch the recording of this session here.

One of our talks on environmental issues organised by The Green Team was about Ethical Investing - on May 16th in 2022 Amy Clarke and Neil Hill from Tribe Impact Capital spoke and answered our questions on how to invest ethically.  Watch the recording of this session here.

Jay Shofet from SPNI, the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel spoke to  Kol Nefesh on March 22nd 2022 on the work being done by SPNI.  Click here to watch the recording of the talk and for for more information on SPNI, including how to join

Marking Tu B'Shevat, Tom Hill, a lead Adviser for the National Trust’s Trees & Woodland consultancy team, shared his insights from the world of tree and woodland conservation on Jan 13th.  The recording of this Green Team event is here


Environmentalism in Israel - a talk by Sam Daniel from Greenpeace Israel on 7th October 2021, a KNM Green initiative event.  Click here for the recording.


Rescue in Sarajevo  –  a talk from Robert Stone on the Sarajevo Hagaddah and the remarkable story of the Bosnian Imam who saved it from the Nazis.  Click here for the recording (note, the first few minutes are missing).


Leadership at the Podium and the Bimah - conversation with Rebecca Miller, Chazan Jacky Chernett and Susannah Cohen from 11th March 2021.  Click here for the recording.


Frances Oppenheimer gave a talk on Tu B'shvat 2021 titled 'The Portable Religion - from the Land of Israel to Jews Everywhere'.  Click here for the recording.


Professor Jonathan Schorsch presented on 'Jews, Blacks, Race and Slavery in a World Becoming Modern' on Jan 24th, 2021.  Click here for the recording of this presentation. 

Professor Eva Frojmovic talked to KNM about the Polin Museum of Polish Jewry in Warsaw on Dec 3rd, 2020. Click here for the recording of this presentation.

Two talks in our 'Meat, Ethics and Kashrut' series were recorded:

  • What Is Kosher Slaughter? With the Masorti shochet Rabbi Shlomo Zacharow. Click here for the recording (part of the session only).

  • Lab-Grown Meat: Is it Kosher? With Rabbi Dr Ari Zivotofsky, Bar Ilan University and consultant to Israel’s Aleph Farms.  Click here for the recording of this session.

Not the L*****d Show 2022

If you didn't go to Limmud and were at home over the "festive season" in 2022,  Kol Nefesh had an alternative program over the holiday. Links to recordings of some of the sessions held on Zoom are at this link

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