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One page for all of Kol Nefesh Masorti's video recordings of Rabbi Joel's shiurim

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Pirkei Avot shiur with Rabbi Joel - Chapter 4

This series started in May 2024

Session 1 - May 7th:  Ben Zoma on Wisdom.  Click here for the recording.

Session 2 - May 14th:  Ben Zoma on Power.  Click here for the recording.

Session 3 - May 21st: Ben Zoma on Wealth.  Click here for the recording.

Session 4 - May 28th: Ben Zoma.  Click here for the recording.

Session 5 - June 18th: Ben Zoma - not recorded

Session 6 - June 25th.  Click here for the recording (final 22mins of shiur only)

A pre-Pesach shiur with Rabbi Joel - From Chaos to Seder - why Purim must come before Pesach

The recording from March 28th 2023 is here


Profiles in Peace - Rabbi Ron Kronish in conversation with Rabbi Joel

A conversation on Zoom from March 26th 2023 - recording is here 

A pre-Purim talk with Rabbi Joel:

Megillat Esther and religious persecution: Resistance and Accommodation.

The recording from Feb 28th 2023 is here

Welcoming Guests - Hachnasat Orchim

We studied this topic with Rabbi Joel on Tuesday evenings in the spring.

The recording of the first session on Feb 14th 2023 is here.

The recording of the second session on Feb 21st 2023 is here.

Our Tuesday evening study series last autumn was on "Exploring the poetry of the central texts of Shabbat prayer".  The series is now ended, but the recordings are here:

November 8th (click here for the study sheet)

November 15th

November 22nd

November 29th

December 6th

'Fraternal Forgiveness

One of the series of study sessions on 'Forgiveness' was recorded; 'Fraternal Forgiveness' Part 2, was on Sept 28th 2022 and presented by Nahum Gordon and Rabbi Joel.  Watch the recording of this session here.

Staying together after Sinai

Our Tuesday evening series with Rabbi Joel on 'Staying together after Sinai' was recorded:

Click here for the June 28th 2022 recording

Click here for the July 5th 2022 recording

Click here for the July 12th 2022 recording

Click here for the July 19th 2022 recording

Birkot haShachar: Morning Benedictions for our time

Our study series with Rabbi Joel on 'Birkot haShachar: Morning Benedictions for our time' started on December 7th.


Click here for the Dec 7th 2021 recording.

Click here for the Dec 14th 2021 recording

Click here for the Dec 21st 2021 recording

And here for the study materials



Introductory Session on 'Standing Together at Sinai'

Here is the recording of the first session in this new series (April 26th 2022)


Class on The Bible's Wisdom Literature - The Book of Proverbs:

Feb 17th 2022

Feb 24th 2022

March 3rd 2022

March 10th 2022

March 24th 2022

March 31st 2022

April 7th 2022

Divrei Torah from Rabbi Joel

Dvar Torah on Balak, June 25 2021

Dvar Torah on Korach, June 11 2021

Dvar Torah on Tazria Metsora, April 16 2021

Dvar Torah on Shemini, April 9 2021

Introduction to Ellul (Aug 20th 2020)

The Noachide Laws 1 - This year's study theme (Aug 24th 2020)

The Noachide Laws 2 - Blasphemy (Sept 3rd 2020)

The Noachide Laws 3 - Blasphemy and non-Jews (Sept 7th 2020)

Dvar Torah for Rosh Hashanah 2020

Dvar Torah before Yom Kippur 2020

Dvar Torah for Yom Kippur 2020

Dvar Torah for Sukkot 2020

Dvar Torah for Hoshana Rabba, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah 2020

Pirkei Avot class on Zoom

Chapter 1 - November 19th 2020 

December 3rd 2020 - Structure of the Mishnah 

Chapter 2,  Mishnah 8, part ii

Chapter 2,  Mishnah 8, part iii

Chapter 2,  Mishnah 8, part iv (April 15 2021)

Chapter 3, Mishnah 5 (July 29 2021)

Chapter 3, Mishnah 6

Sept 9th - the Individual and the Collective, orchestra and musician

Chapter 3, Mishnah 7 (Oct 7 2021)

Chapter 3, Mishnah 9 (Oct 14 2021)

Chapter 3, Mishnah 10 (Oct  21 2021)

Chapter 3, Mishnah 11 (Oct 28 2021)

Chapter 3, Mishnah 12 part I (Nov 4 2021)

Chapter 3, Mishnah 12 part II (Nov 11 2021)

Chapter 3, Mishnah 13 (Nov 18 2021)

Chapter 3, Mishnah 14 (Nov 25 2021)

Chapter 3, Mishnah 16 (Dec 16 2021)

Chapter 3, Mishnah 17 (Dec 23, 2021)

Chapter 3, Mishnah 18 (Dec 30, 2021)

As we entered Ellul 5780, Rabbi Joel created this video to discuss the importance of home rituals for a Yamim Nora'im that will be so different from all we have known before.



An article by Rabbi Joel and Leon Wiener Dow about Pesach in the time of Covid-19 (April 2020). 

Corona and Seder-ing Alone

As Masorti in the UK continues to grapple with issues around Shabbat during this pandemic, this article looks at the conceptual (as opposed to halachic) issues about what is at stake; what Shabbat is for, why it matters, and how that impacts the debate on streaming on Shabbat (June 2020). 

A personal statement on Shabbat

Rabbi Joel's videos
Recent Zoom Events
The Kol Nefesh Desert Island Discs
Ellul Zoom events
Jay's podcasts
Music of the High Holydays
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