Each week when Rabbi Joel is not in Edgware, a member of the community gives a drashah during the service. The word drashah – often translated, inaccurately, as "sermon" – comes from the Hebrew "lidrosh", which means to seek or inquire. The drashah is thus a riff on the weekly portion from the Torah, or on the haftorah or the time in the Jewish calendar. The drashah is also called a davar Torah, a "word" or "saying" about the Torah.
Here you'll find some drashot given by our members over the years (Drashot for 5784 are in bold).
Bereshit, by Meira Ben Gad (5783)
Bereshit by Meira Ben Gad (5781)
Lech Lechah by Lisette van Lieshout
Lech Lechah, by Kyla Greenfield
Lech Lechah by Leah Greenfield
Vayera by Siobhan (Shibby) Allen
Chayei Sarah, by Einav Diamond-Limor
Miketz, by Chazan Jacky Chernett
Vayechi, by Einav Diamond-Limor
Shemot, by Lisette van Lieshout
Vayakhel, by Rabbi Larry Tabick
Beha'alotecha, by Maya Brookes
Beha'alotecha, by Mike Fenster
Shelach Lecha, by Einav Diamond-Limor
Hukkat, by Lisette van Lieshout
Ki Tetzei, by Einav Diamond-Limor
Shabbat Zachor, by Robert Stone
Shabbat HaGadol, by Brenda Simmonds
Shabbat Hol Hamoed Pesach, by Brenda Simmonds
Pesach, by Rabbi Barbara Borts
The Day is Short, by Ruth Ben-Or