Kol Nefesh prides itself on its warm, friendly and personal atmosphere, along with its commitment to making your child's Bat or Bar Mitzvah memorable and meaningful. If you are looking for the usual conveyor-belt Bar Mitzvah experience with a rabbi who has met your child only once or twice, then Kol Nefesh is not for you!
The Bar Mitzvah experience at Kol Nefesh is something special. Every child is well known to and loved by the rabbi and the whole community. The community is small enough to ensure that every Bar/Bat Mitzvah is tailor-made to the needs and aspirations of the young person and his/her family. Every Bar/Bat Mitzvah service feels personal and intimate.
We have a vibrant Bar/Bat Mitzvah cohort and regular Friday night meals, Shabbat lunches and other social and learning activities for the Bar/Bat Mitzvah kids and their families. There is an annual family service and a Chaggigat HaBarmitzvah ceremony at which the Bnei Mitzvah are welcomed into the community and officially launched on their journey to becoming Bar or Bat Mitzvah.
We are glad to welcome non-Jewish family, friends and guests to all our special events, such as a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. See here for more information.
For more information, please contact Rabbi Joel or Chazan Jacky. Rabbi Joel can be reached directly at rabbi@kolnefesh.org.uk, and Chazan Jacky at jaclyn@eajl.org.