Rabbi Joel is with us one Shabbat each month. His next visit is on April 25-27th, and then May 30 - June 3, and June 7-8. He can be reached on rabbi@kolnefesh.org.uk,
or you can find him in the shul's Zoom room at 7-8 pm every Sunday evening.
Welcome to Kol Nefesh Masorti Synagogue (KNMS)!
We are an inclusive, dynamic, egalitarian Masorti (Conservative) community located in Edgware, North West London.
If you have a life-cycle event coming up, we'll work with you to make your day personal and meaningful. Click here to contact or find us.
We have moved!
Click here
for our new location in Edgware
Kol Nefesh Masorti Synagogue stands in solidarity with the state and people of Israel during this dark time. And may the innocent people of Gaza as well as Israel live to see, as we pray each week, a just and durable peace.
We have moved! Click here for details of our new location. See the Calendar for service times.
Members: Click here to see the latest service and kiddush rotas.
Click this link to join our Zoom meetings: https://zoom.us/j/8079784899?pwd=SHY5TlFiZE5lTWlwTjZlR2ZJUXRkZz09.
See what's new on our Facebook page, Twitter/X, and Instagram.